

It's history – Edified in 1532

It's history – Edified in 1532

It’s History

Historians say that the Torre de Tebra was erected by Pedro Álvarez de Soutomaior (Pedro Madruga) in 1478 and demolished in 1482 by order of Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragon (the Catholic Kings). It would be rebuilt again in 1532 by D. Álvaro Suárez de Deza under the concession of Queen Juana I de Castilla (Juana la Loca).

The renaissance architecture Torre de Tebra is characterized by its square shape and its robust structure. It has four floors, three of them joined by a grand terrace and it has a shield of the same gender, as well as an inscription in latin on the top of it.

Historical and Architectural Value

Besides to the historical value and the excellent construction in which stands the residential Pazo (built of stone), in the vicinity of the Tower of Tebra is placed a small chapel of baroque style. This is an ideal place for celebrations such as weddings, baptisms or communions. It also has extensive recreational areas where you can enjoy the pool or the trails, delimited by the garden, where fruit trees and plants, that offer their fresh perfumes when they are in bloom, abound. The property is surrounded by a lush forest which is the natural habitat of infinity of fauna, where it is also possible to see grazing animals and where you can take a walk, enjoy the natural life and abstract from time.